Granny Smith froggy pancake

Am I awake yet? The girls woke up at their regular time (5:30 am) and since it's Saturday that meant pancakes for breakfast.
I confess to having little or no will power. My resistance to the Piece of Vermont in the Granny Smith colorway shattered and I cast on a pair of Jaywalkers socks last night. Not having been blessed with dainty little feet I choose the larger sized pattern. The ribbing flowed smoothly and then came the first pattern row. The concept of the pattern is quite simple and easily memorized. However, the mechanics of the simple double decrease are impossible for my clumsy fingers. Here I fudged and replaced the dd with a lame k3 tog. The substitution seemed to work (although there was a large lump of yarn where the decreases were). I happily knitted away through the season finale of Battlestar Galactica.
Back to this morning. While cooking the aforementioned pancakes I darted in and grabbed the Jaywalkers to work on between flips. What in the world? These things were huge! So, it's froggy time for the socks. I will start these again in the smaller size, but not until after the neglected and now loathed cardigan is completed.
And yes, those are coffee stains on my counter. A good house scrubbing is in order today!