Hauskaa syntymapaiva Papa Porgy!

Today is my Grandpa Porgy's 86th birthday! Grandpa was born in Butte, Montana. His father, Eino, had fled the family home in Finland 4 years prior to avoid conscription in the Russian army. Wilma, Grandpa's mother, had immigrated to the United States from another region of Finland at the age of 19 3 years before his birth. Grandpa spent the early years of his life moving throughout Montana, Idaho and his family even traveled back to Finland briefly (his name can be found at Ellis Island where he re-entered the USA). At the age of 6 he was put into his first English speaking school. Prior to this he spoke Finnish and got on well in a variety of other languages spoken by other immigrants residing within the mining community. He worked for awhile alongside his father in the copper mines, but eventually he left Montana and moved to Washington State. Here, at the age of 19, he met and married my Grandma Helen. Over the years Grandpa worked many different jobs, but his primary income was as a fisherman. They had two sons, five grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Sadly, last year Grandma Helen passed away. Grandpa misses her very much, but he stays active and remains involved with all in the family. His younger brother, Teino, lives in Olympia.
2. The end of his left index finger was pulled off in an industrial accident. He has fun playing jokes with his missing finger and this is an endless source of fascination for all under the age of 10.
3. He and Grandma wintered in Desert Hot Springs for over 30 years.
4. Favorite past times include golfing and fishing.
5. He is extremely superstitious, especially regarding Friday the 13th. Not surprising considering one of his boats, The Gail, was struck by a cargo ship on Friday the 13th. Luckily nobody was seriously injured and all were rescued.
6. Grandpa can build or fix just about anything ever made and he loves working with wood.
7. Grandpa still fishes and digs razor clams.
8. He's an avid reader.
9. He calls everyone in the family on their birthdays and sings "Happy Birthday" to them.
10. He's my last surviving grandparent.