I'm a sleepy slacker.
The only knitting I've done is the sock bag for the Knit Sock Kit Swap. Originally this was going to be a simple, but cute machine sewn fabric bag. Given the poor relations between sewing machines and me, compounded with new time restriction experimentation and do-overs were not options.
My pal likes green, red and purple. She also collects hearts. With this in mind I set out to create a quick and easy felted bag. But because I thought a pattern wasn't necessary the "quick and easy" bag turned into something time consuming (although still simple). The bag turned out okay... it's functional. However, that whole 4-H crafty look is quite evident.
Ironically, I still ended up having to sew the lining. The handles are detachable so she'll have the option of a using short handle or a shoulder strap. The shape is a little wonky, but extra chocolate may be just the necessary distraction. Maybe a bottle of wine too. Can we send wine?
Because the chances of my swap recipient seeing this are slim to none

(I don't think she's ever been here before) I'll throw caution to the wind and post photos.
Tomorrow I'm going to bake some cardamom bread (Finnish coffee bread) and knit a hat for my Dad's birthday... I hope. Here's where I plead with the powers that be to let tomorrow be errand free so I can stay home. If all goes well I may have time to soak and reblock the afore-mentioned "crafty" bag!
In the meantime, if anybody knows any giraffe songs or giraffe crafts I'd be delighted to hear from them. (Our camp group will be the tan and brown giraffes and they are third grade level) I can only think of one song remotely relating to giraffes. And now the theme from the Toys-R-Us commercial is stuck in my head.