If I go back to work

how in the world will I ever deal with this...
I'd like to claim this is an isolated event, but it's a daily mess resulting from A1 & A2 getting ready for school.
Notice the toys amidst the hair accessories? This is because A2 plays instead of doing what she's supposed to do. In fact, she always waits until the last minute when I've been transformed into some raving lunatic before beginning to brush her teeth, etc.
And this is just one small part of one room. The kitchen, bedrooms, living room and hallway are also casualties of daily chaos.
I must get a job, but a word of warning to those who reside with me... without drastic changes we will be buried alive.
Those fingers are crossed. As far as the girls, I have no wisdom. You are at the brink with the girls. I used the "girl's" bathroom at my brother's this weekend and, remember, they are 20 and 24, it was a total and utter mess. Maybe selective blindness?
Good luck with all of it!!!
How exciting!! Best of luck on the interview. :) As for the mess . . . hmmm, that one will probably be tougher - but hopefully they can be "forced" into the habit of cleaning up their messes. LOL
Good luck.
I think I will have nightmares over that picture.
Gee, that looks like my whole house! I also have three kids, but I'm not as on top of things as Heide (I think it's best to say that compared to mine, Heide's house is sterile). Who was it that hid all the toys left out and re-gifted them to the kids at Christmas?
Think I know what is wrong. There is 1 toothbrush, 1 toothpaste, 1 comb, no towel, 2 sinks.
Fingers crossed!
Good luck!! With both the interview and the girls. I have 3 girls, all growed up now. But the 19 yo does give me heartburn occasionally! But hey, she is only one who actually requests hand knit items. So, she can't be all that bad.
Anonymous! Bwah ha ha ha. One of the other toothbrushes was in the sink with a gigantic blob of toothpaste. The other toothbrush had never been taken out of the toothbrush drawer because the child who had the toys still hadn't brushed her teeth. The towels were laying in a damp pile on the floor. But it is nice to note that the doll's hair is freshly combed.
YAY!!! Good luck!!! and I'm sure you don't need it.
HAH - I say to your face, HAH! That is nothing...you haven't known real "girl bathroom horror" until you've seen the abyss that belongs to my daughters. I would post a photo but I'm sure I'd be charged with inducing blindness nationwide.
Oh, about the shawl and the nice edges. um, I cheated. I borrowed my friend, Christy's, blocking wires. It's the way to go - slide it in and with just a few pins (not the hundreds normally necessary) to stabilize the wires and a few hours later - shazam! perfection.
Oy for the mess ;) I had a very huge grin on my face when I saw this pic - oh, I was *so* the same as a kid ;)
I wish you all the very, very best with your job interview - my fingers are crossed and I'm sending over all the best vibes across the ocean! Fingers crossed!
Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it went and what it's for! :)
Heide - I am SO sorry that you have to get a job and not be able to stay home and knit!!! LOL I can tell you from experience that it is HARD to balance!!!! I know that you can do it my dear!!!
Good luck!
btw, you should see what the teen leaves in her wake in the a.m. ;o)
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