Isn't electricity amazing? Today I happily baked, washed clothes, vacuumed, bathed and was warm and comfortable. Power outages always remind me how lucky we are to live in a place where running water and shelter are often taken for granted. My parents live in a small coastal town and power might not be restored in that area for up to a week yet! Thank heavens that they have a woodstove and of course they can always come here. Spending yesterday unable to use the computer, cook, or do the other "important" tasks penciled on my to do list turned out to be a welcome respite. Staying warm and boiling water on the campstove took top priority. Christmas card mailing didn't seem so dire. The peace and quiet was refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely grateful for the restoration of creature comforts. In fact, that Ghandi/Zen moment could only be the result of short term inconvenience. Facing a long-term power outage would leave me grumpy. And bored, cold children would drive me crazy. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my parents, all those living in that area and the workers having to clean up branches, etc. from the power lines. May they all rejoin the modern world quickly and safely.

Yes. We do tend to take "little" things like electricity and heat for granted. After our past 5 months, we're a little more grateful than we have been in the past. I love the pictures of the girls with Santa. Even A1, the woman of the world seemed to enjoy her chat.
You're so right - we tend to take things like electricity for granted, and only when we're not having it do we realize what an amazing and absolutely necessary thing it is. Perhaps it's good that there's little power outages everywhere at times, this way we get to cherish what we have even more, no?
I *so* loved the pics of the girls with Santa, it seems they had such a great time!
Hey Heide,
You kow I've discovered the surprising treat that a 'short' power outrage (we call 'em blackouts here) can bring. If it's in the daylight hours, what a great excuse to sit and knit or read! At night, I knit by candle light if it's bright enough, or I go out and watch the stars for a while and listen to the night noises - crickets, frogs etc. Wonderful stuff that we miss while doing things powered by electricity.
I'm glad your power is back...I'll keep my fingers crossed for your parents! What a storm you guys had, eh? The pictures are too cute....I think its finally getting Christmassy! :)
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