Welcome Late Harvest & Farewell Dear Friends

Today's mail yielded a wonderful bounty. This beautiful skein of fibery goodness is none other than Mama-E's first offering in her C*EYE*BER Fiber Sock Fall club. It is appropriately named, Late Harvest and I'm in love with this. Thank you Mama-E. You really out did yourself this time around!
This happy delivery helps soften the blow of saying goodbye to our beloved chickens. Today my ladies will go live with a nearby retired couple who have many free-roaming animals on their farm. The chickens will have a long and good life there. I'd like to think that they will miss us, especially Peeper. From left to right they are; Peeper, Spotty, Ariel and Raven.

Peeper came to live with us when she was only 2 days old. She was blind and her fate had been death until we begged the sellers to let us have her. Her eyes were crusted shut and we had to wash them several times a day to help them open. Her right eye still weeps sometimes. Raven came to live with us several weeks later to keep Peeper company. Spotty and Ariel had belonged to our neighbor and he gave up raising chickens and two came to live with us.