Fried food, apologies and quitting.

Clockwise: The top, smaller dish contains collard greens with onions, ham and vinegar. At 2:00 we have fried okra. 5:00 is blackeyed peas. Where 7:00 would be you'll find fried green tomatoes and finally, at 10:00 is cornbread with honey. To the right of the plate is a glass of sweet tea.
It seems I may have spoke in haste regarding the real estate agents representing our house. According to a different agent in a different city, many of the reasons for not doing an open house and placing ads in real estate magazines were valid. This doesn't necessarily mean that they are doing all they can, but rather that I need to lighten up on them for the time being and just keep talking with them. In other words, I'm sorry for calling them deadbeat losers this early on in the game. I'm so ashamed.
Speaking of being ashamed... I gave up the notion of a garage sale. I'm not organized enough to pull it off with the amount of time at hand. So today I bagged up all of the clothes to be donated to a family shelter and virtually everything else was piled by the road in front of our house with a "FREE" sign. I do not exaggerate when I say that most items were gone within 1/2 hour. Who would have thought that shirking responsibility could feel so good. I'm free!
Lest you think I've quit absolutely all of my duties then let me assure you that I did cast on a sock last night and I knit during the early morning hours. Okay, so this isn't really a duty, but they are destined for the Christmas box. That's kind of responsible.