Checking in between road trips

Marta accompanied us to The Wool Station in Fairhaven where I found just the right yarn to make a vest for my sister. It is machine washable 100% wool from Australia and it's very soft. She wanted something neutral and this fits the bill nicely. I'm winging the pattern. Just a basic seed stitch with simple cabling.
From there we stopped briefly by Karen's house before checking into the hotel. Dale came by to pick up Marta and he brought with him the sad news that her friend, Dude, had passed away. We are so sorry for Marta and everyone else who loved him.

The girls went swimming and then we ventured over to Karen's again where she fixed us all some yummy BBQ for dinner. She then presented me with a wonderful surprize. It's a birthday/Christmas present for several years' running... it's a stunningly beautiful quilt! She made this for me and I love it. I don't know what the pattern is, but there are flowers quilted throughout the plain muslin and she even signed the back. Thank you Karen!
The girls played with her 3 kids for awhile and then we left to do a bit of a drive-about. Our old house is for sale and it was interesting to see how skewed property prices are now in Bellingham. And from what I can gather, they've actually leveled out and even came down a few thousand over the past year or two. This same house was for sale about 3 years ago and they were asking about $300,000. The amount of development in Whatcom County is amazing too. It's just not the same quiet town I remember.
The next morning we visited again at Karen's then made some pb&j sandwiches and walked around the Western Washington University campus. B & I both graduated from there many years ago. The campus wasn't immune from development either. The rugby field, one of the football fields, the soccer field and the place where I took archery have all been replaced with buildings. A1 proclaimed she wants to go there someday too.

A3 became ill on the way home and wouldn't you know it, there were accidents and traffic was backed up. It took over 5 hours to drive back. I've cleaned most of the vomit out of the van, but I'm waiting for it to cool down before I shampoo the seats, etc. Once again, it's too hot for outside activities. We're supposed to leave tomorrow evening for my sister's house and then on from there to my mom and dad's.