Friday the 13th!
I am not superstitious. My Grandpa Porgy, on the other hand, is extremely superstitious. His beliefs go beyond the normal ones like not letting a black cat cross your path, not walking under a ladder, etc. He was a fisherman for many years and they have their own set of superstitions. For example: never leave the hatch of a boat upside down, only get on a boat with your right foot first, if you encounter a red-head on your way to the pier then don't set sail, etc., etc. Anyway, he is at home today and I doubt flood or fire could persuade him to leave. It's a good thing Friday the 13th doesn't happen that often.

I started the Fair Isle part of the body of my Philosopher's wool sweater for the knit along. And yes, the instructions do say to start with a sleeve first to avoid discouragement, but I hate knitting sleeves. I'm also sewing together the other cardigan.
The pattern isn't difficult, but I have a long way to go before mastering that two-handed method. It may be that one and 1/2 hands will all I ever achieve. Surprisingly, the addi-turbo knitting needles aren't making my hands ache. Part of this may be due to the movement involved with using two colors. One's hands need to be repositioned often so there isn't as much repetition or clenching.
After this project it will definately be time to do something in oranges, reds or some "warm" colorway!

This morning Brian cleaned out the overflow drain on our bathroom sink. Inside it he found 22 bobby pins, 1 safety pin and a Betty Spaghetti leg. In addition to these treasures, A3 likes to squeeze our toothpaste down the little hole. The sink drains better now. It was a gross job and I'm thankful that he did it.

I started the Fair Isle part of the body of my Philosopher's wool sweater for the knit along. And yes, the instructions do say to start with a sleeve first to avoid discouragement, but I hate knitting sleeves. I'm also sewing together the other cardigan.
The pattern isn't difficult, but I have a long way to go before mastering that two-handed method. It may be that one and 1/2 hands will all I ever achieve. Surprisingly, the addi-turbo knitting needles aren't making my hands ache. Part of this may be due to the movement involved with using two colors. One's hands need to be repositioned often so there isn't as much repetition or clenching.
After this project it will definately be time to do something in oranges, reds or some "warm" colorway!

This morning Brian cleaned out the overflow drain on our bathroom sink. Inside it he found 22 bobby pins, 1 safety pin and a Betty Spaghetti leg. In addition to these treasures, A3 likes to squeeze our toothpaste down the little hole. The sink drains better now. It was a gross job and I'm thankful that he did it.