Another week down
My Mom finally had a CT scan today. And at about 7:30 tonight the doctor came in and told her he couldn't find anything wrong so she'll be discharged in the morning. I guess the next course of action is to find yet another doctor on Monday and have some more tests done. In the main time she can't stand up, walk unassisted or eat. I'm so mad and frustrated that I don't even know what to say.
Man, it seems that all I do is complain anymore. Sorry about the Eeyore attitude.

On a happy note though when I went to read to the students at the elementary school I was surprised by Sherrill . She gave me four wonderful skeins of sock yarn! Two have been wound into balls already. They are the colors of military woodland BDU's (Battle Dress Uniforms). The other two skeins are a beautiful four-ply tweed with blue, teal and gray. I'm not quite sure what pattern to use with the latter, but the former yarn is perfect for a pair of socks for Brian. I
know that black is all that is authorized for wear while he's in uniform, but maybe he can sleep in them when he's deployed. Thank you Sherrill!

Yesterday's "You Knit What?" listing makes me want to knit for animals. Obviously YKW? borrowed this picture from another blogsite called And yes, it's obviously crocheted, not knitted, but I'm still glad that they listed it. This cat is either very stoned, very patient or very dead. No cat that I know would suffer such indignities! Since my kitties never go outside and have cold ears maybe I'll design some chicken suits. This past winter two of my hens, Peeper and Spotty, were molting like crazy and they looked very pitiful and cold...
Crap, like I don't have enough to do. Insanity has finally taken over that infinitesimal bit of normality left in my feeble brain. Hell, rounding that bend is actually somewhat liberating. Any suggestions for chicken suit patterns will be filed away for future consideration.
And once again, my fabulous, wonderful and generous Secret Pal, Cindy made me laugh with another animated card today. What a welcome pick me up. This one had a dog with cake and it pointed out the obvious that "stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts". How True! I have no idea on Earth how to post a picture of the animated cards. With Brian away I must rely on my limited technical skills. Thank you Cindy!
I'm going to take a bath and try to stay up and watch Battlestar Galactica. It doesn't come on until 10:00, but when Brian is home we usually watch it together.
Man, it seems that all I do is complain anymore. Sorry about the Eeyore attitude.

On a happy note though when I went to read to the students at the elementary school I was surprised by Sherrill . She gave me four wonderful skeins of sock yarn! Two have been wound into balls already. They are the colors of military woodland BDU's (Battle Dress Uniforms). The other two skeins are a beautiful four-ply tweed with blue, teal and gray. I'm not quite sure what pattern to use with the latter, but the former yarn is perfect for a pair of socks for Brian. I

Yesterday's "You Knit What?" listing makes me want to knit for animals. Obviously YKW? borrowed this picture from another blogsite called And yes, it's obviously crocheted, not knitted, but I'm still glad that they listed it. This cat is either very stoned, very patient or very dead. No cat that I know would suffer such indignities! Since my kitties never go outside and have cold ears maybe I'll design some chicken suits. This past winter two of my hens, Peeper and Spotty, were molting like crazy and they looked very pitiful and cold...
Crap, like I don't have enough to do. Insanity has finally taken over that infinitesimal bit of normality left in my feeble brain. Hell, rounding that bend is actually somewhat liberating. Any suggestions for chicken suit patterns will be filed away for future consideration.
And once again, my fabulous, wonderful and generous Secret Pal, Cindy made me laugh with another animated card today. What a welcome pick me up. This one had a dog with cake and it pointed out the obvious that "stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts". How True! I have no idea on Earth how to post a picture of the animated cards. With Brian away I must rely on my limited technical skills. Thank you Cindy!
I'm going to take a bath and try to stay up and watch Battlestar Galactica. It doesn't come on until 10:00, but when Brian is home we usually watch it together.