Turkey Day, smurky day.
What is it that they say... that the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry? Don't worry I shan't go on to butcher either Burns or Steinbeck. But I will endeavor to coax pity for our sad little Thanksgiving.
Friends and relatives received invitations weeks ago for a traditional meal served in our new home. Because of the distance we didn't expect many guests, but we were delighted when several called with "yes" RSVPs.
Tuesday I picked up our new dining room table. Wednesday afternoon the turkey was prepped, the pies were baked the salads made and all vegetables were washed, peeled and ready for cooking.
The good china and crystal were located (this is a big deal considering our, ahem, still unpacked boxes in the garage). All was in order for our feast.

Thursday morning I awoke with the flu, or some cheap imitation thereof. Gory details aren't necessary, all imaginable symptoms were present.
As a result, previous plans were abandoned. The bird was crammed into the oven without ceremony, without a final basting of butter and definitely without the wine-soaked cheesecloth wrapping suggested by Martha. The table wasn't set and hors d'oeuvres plates weren't arranged. I went back to bed.
About an hour prior to the guests' arrival I crawled into the shower. After ensuring that my children were dressed and the cat box was scooped I moved the ever-present pile of unfolded clothes from our living room into the bedroom. I kicked the door shut on my way out. The housework was done.
Mom arrived and saved the day. She made the gravy and finished cooking the rest of the vegetables. Great Auntie Ruth helped dish it up and set the table. Between the two, dinner was served in a timely fashion.
It was not formal, or even pretty (note everyday dishes, mismatched glasses, etc.), but the company was pleasant and everyone enjoyed a quiet meal.

Guests enjoyed after dinner entertainment,

Friends and relatives received invitations weeks ago for a traditional meal served in our new home. Because of the distance we didn't expect many guests, but we were delighted when several called with "yes" RSVPs.
Tuesday I picked up our new dining room table. Wednesday afternoon the turkey was prepped, the pies were baked the salads made and all vegetables were washed, peeled and ready for cooking.
The good china and crystal were located (this is a big deal considering our, ahem, still unpacked boxes in the garage). All was in order for our feast.

Thursday morning I awoke with the flu, or some cheap imitation thereof. Gory details aren't necessary, all imaginable symptoms were present.
As a result, previous plans were abandoned. The bird was crammed into the oven without ceremony, without a final basting of butter and definitely without the wine-soaked cheesecloth wrapping suggested by Martha. The table wasn't set and hors d'oeuvres plates weren't arranged. I went back to bed.
About an hour prior to the guests' arrival I crawled into the shower. After ensuring that my children were dressed and the cat box was scooped I moved the ever-present pile of unfolded clothes from our living room into the bedroom. I kicked the door shut on my way out. The housework was done.
Mom arrived and saved the day. She made the gravy and finished cooking the rest of the vegetables. Great Auntie Ruth helped dish it up and set the table. Between the two, dinner was served in a timely fashion.
It was not formal, or even pretty (note everyday dishes, mismatched glasses, etc.), but the company was pleasant and everyone enjoyed a quiet meal.

Guests enjoyed after dinner entertainment,

And I went to bed early. Not a stellar holiday, but certainly not the worst in Thanksgiving history.
Not a great weekend for knitting progress either. Nausea and fatigue quashed all desires to knit or spin. My sister's vest is done, but it's rather boring. Just a seed or moss stitch with simple cables. She requested a neutral-colored vest to slip on in the evenings. It was made with Heirloom Easy Care 8 ply. Very soft and pretty yarn, but it tended to split.
Sorry it was more low key than you wished and hope you're feeling better!
We have a love/hate relationship with Thanksgiving as it is seldom quiet and calm. We've had a car stolen, sickness, both pregnancy and miscarriage, always something.
Glad you got through it anyway and inaugurated the new house a bit!
I'm so sorry you were sick. That just sucks so bad. Our Thanksgiving was fine. I sometimes wish we could fast forward through most of it. Your table looked great. The silver and china are lovely, but it's alot of work, too. I'm sorry, listen to me. I'm a bit tired. Anyway, I love your Sis's vest. Take care kiddo. Are you liking your new home and neighborhood yet or is it still all too new?
wow, that stinks...sorry you were sick. Hope you feel better now. It never fails that when you want to do something, some one slips a monkey wrench into the plans. In WA, most the time its the weather...the rest is our uncooperative bodies...lol...must be the rust from the rain ;-)
take care girly...Hope your Christmas is better!
Sounds like you were able to salvage the truest essence of the holiday. Hope you're completely well now.
Wow! Glad you were able to survive...you're a better trooper than I!
I hope you're feeling like yourself again. There seems to be a lot of that kind of bug going around right now. It's in my house too. I went to bed right after Thanksgiving dinner as well, but I just had a cold. My husband and son are not as lucky.
Oh, how upsetting to have a nasty flu ruin your first Thanksgiving in your new home. :( But it sounds like it was just fine anyway - if only you hadn't felt so crappy. I hope you are feeling all better now!!
Hope you are feeling better! The stomach flu hit our house right after Thanksgiving dinner (my son, poor thing). It really cleared the house of guests though!
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