Geeky Happy Birthday!

Today is B's 42nd birthday. Unfortunately, he's away from home so the festivities will be postponed until this weekend. This also happens to be the birthday of Susan, an old friend. I haven't seen Susan much over the past years, but happy birthday to her too.
I was able to get B season 1 of the original Star Trek series (hooray for ebay selling). And darn it all if it didn't arrive damaged. Amazon seems to be agreeable about replacing it though. My husband is a typical computer savvy, Star Trek watching, Monty Python quoting geek. Here's where I come clean and confess to a brief geeky phase, complete with multi-sided dice and a trip to a Sci-Fi convention. This picture was taken at a Halloween party. I have no idea who the guy is in the other Star Trek costume. I was slightly intoxicated and he just happened to be at the same party so somebody took a picture of us . Ah, college days. Anyway, Happy Birthday to B., I wouldn't humiliate myself by posting a picture like this for just anybody, but I figure that you could use a good laugh. The girls all miss you lots.
Happy Birthday to B!!!! Lady, you take a great picture. What a great smile, costume nothwithstanding. Take care.
There's nothing like a woman that will humiliate themselves for you! I should have asked for pole dancing.
But I'm Finnish, not Polish.
That's fantastic! I particularly like the VERY serious look on that guy's he was actually the Captain of the party. Not that I know he's wearing the captain's uniform...uhm...I've got to go now.
Happy Birthday B...I hope you already opened your present! If not; For $5, I'll tell you what you got.
Highly amusing! um..and I'm right there with ya - I was in all the geeky clubs (math, computer, IRC, etc)in high school but managed to be friends with all the cliques. When the guys (I was usually the only girl) were talking about D&D, I wanted to play and was told "but, uh, Marta, you're a...a...girl." Love the hair, Heide. Happy Birthday, B.
oh... and you have had serious cat problems! I had a friend who had a cat named Dempsy who would leave a "present" in the spot on the bed any time he (my friend) had a guest for the night. I'll take the kicky, kicky any day.
Great pic!
This picture is a classic! What a great smile! Glad you shared this with us! : )
OMG too funny ;o) I did the geek thing too...okay so I still am a geek ;o)
Happy Birthday to B :o)
I'm a DS9 fanatic. But any ST is good for me.
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