Indepence Day!
For us the festivities actually began on Saturday with the annual Fourth of July Parade in Tokeland, WA. At the end of the parade there was a picnic complete with sack races for the kids and a bagpipe band.
And this visit held a special surprise because my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Wayne were visiting. I haven't seen them in 9 years! My cousin, Mark, will return from his 4th tour in Iraq in August and he's getting married. I haven't seen Mark in almost 20 years. Not to sound cliche', but were does the time go?!
We left A2 with my Mom & Dad for several days and she is having a grand time at the beach.

Yesterday Dad turned 65. Happy Birthday, Dad! I finished his hat (while watching the parade) and successfully made him some cardamom bread. It wasn't near as good as Grandma Helen's, but it was edible and recognized as caramom bread so I was happy.
Yesterday's mail included a package from Sapporo, Japan. Inside there were gifts galore courtesy of JRS . Several weeks back she held a contest to "Name the Song". She showed words from a Karaoke song that she and a friend performed and the first three people to correctly name the song received Japanese goodies. The song was "Centerfold" by the J.Geils Band and it induced a 1980's flashback. Anyway, inside the package were socks, a bag (just the right size for knitting accessories), my very own chopsticks, 5 adorable erasers shaped like sushi and noodles and three packages of rice candy for my girls. Thank you J! I'm looking for baby knitting items for you.
Cindy out in St. Louis is recovering from a bout with some poison ivy and promises some July spinning. She's very talented and I can't wait to see what flies off of her wheel!
And in other blog news, the world is still awaiting the arrival of Terri's new granddaughter. Terri has been knitting up a storm and that will be the best-dressed child in Australia!
Happy Birthday to dad.
65 years young to you Dad, Heide.
Uh..yeah, about that 3am wakeup call. Kev & I both jumped up...felt like it was right above the house...then the lighting and the rolling thunder that seemed to last for 10 plus seconds, rolling towards the East.
Kev then asked where my rabbit, Smokey was. Uh, out in her playyard...crap...I am up at 3am running in the rain in pjs and sandals to get her to her dry, little housing and get her some food and move her water over...she was a bit wet. Max, our 8 yo baby Boxer, decided that standing on my side of the bed at 3:15 am and staring at me was called for. I tried to get him to jump up in the bed...but oh, no...Kev had to take a pillow and lay down with him on the floor. sounds like he's a toddler. Kev had enough and got back up in bed, Max proceeded to come to MY side of the bed and stare at me. Do you want out? Do you want food and water? I trundled downstairs and found he had PLENTY of food and water. Finally, I was starting to fall asleep and he whined. One more time...finally got him up in the bed and he's still up there sleeping with Kev. Fireworks were going off all night and he didn't nothing...but the thunder kicked his butt. was nice it did rain to help soak down the grass and trees to prevent any fires.
Have a great Fourth of July to the family.
The hat for your Dad looks great! (and, Happy B-day, Dad!)
Believe it or not, humidity makes fireworks more dangerous. I can't explain the physics of why, I just know that Dave (the guy with the license that lets us play) is as nervous as a cat in a roomful of rocking chairs when it's humid out and we're setting up.
Happy Fourth of July to you and all your family and may the year that follows be a really wonderful one,
Cheers Gillian
Glad you got the package! Enjoy!
How neat. Happy b'day to Dad and what a pretty hat. Another lovely knit, girl. You had me chuckling all weekend with your description of the neighbors down the road. I still can't help but chuckle when I think about it. We must live closer than we both think, because I have the SAME NEIGHBORS!!! What a neat package to get. Also, thanks for the big compliment. And, the poison ivy is s.l.o.w.l.y. improving. Take care!
Just thinking of you at Girl Scout camp. Hope all is going well and you let us know how the Giraffes turned out!
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