The end is almost nigh...

I started another pair of socks for the Christmas basket. This pair is from the leftover "Purl's Delight" that I dyed for the charming and effervescent PoMo Golightly. They weren't supposed to stripe! Darn it anyway.
This afternoon I had to make a much-dreaded trip to WalMart. I really hate going to that store. Anyway, because the girls and the chicken weren't with me I wondered over for a gander at the Red Heart and Novelty Yarns. About the only fiber there I'd consider knitting with would be the Peaches & Cream cotton for dishrags. Anyway, this tool caught my eye so I picked one up. Most of you who frequent LYS's have probably seen these before, but most of my fiber comes via the internet so I hadn't. I'm planning on making a fair isle pullover with some Debbie Bliss baby cashmerino and maybe I'll give this a try for holding the yarn. For the last fair isle I tried the Philosopher's wool two-handed method.
Tonight is A-1's Girl Scouts' Awards ceremony. I also have to make a main dish for A-3's last day of school potluck. Aack, that means another trip to the grocery store, we have nothing here that other people would eat! Cheers all.
Heide: Wonderful story about the chicken and going to school. I bet Raven and A3 were a huge hit. I hate Walmart, too, but sometimes you just gotta bite down and go. What was the tool you got? I couldn't see it real well. Is it a bobbin for your yarn?
Hey, I was just making a postscript. I wanted to tell you that I really like your yarn. I like the striping. Why don't you like it?
I love your stripey yarn! And the chicken story - priceless. fun would it be to take my pet to WORK?! I just might have to try it and see how much I get done with a 78 lb. greyhound running around.
I love that "take your chicken to school" day! Was the chicken a hit with the kids? I too like your stripey yarn - pretty colors!
Hello Heide, ditto Cindy's question. What is that tool you got at Walmart and if it's good enough to buy, why haven't I got one? I love tools and gadgets,
Cheers Gillian
I love the look of Purl's Delight knit up--what goodness!
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