Thank you Mia and Dulae!

Happy Monday to all! In today's mail I received the most wonderfully soft skein of 100% alpaca yarn. This came from Mia for a contest that she held, and I do believe that this is handspun! The alpaca wool came from Dulae, who is pictured on the label. What a sweet face! Thank you Mia.
I finished one of the blossom socks and started another in the STR Fire on the Mountain colorway. It is pretty intense. And although I don't normally mix lace or patterns with variegated yarn, this time I did. The result is that the socks will be very busy. They look like color crayon vomit and only a brave soul will wear these... at least in public. I'll put a picture up when they're both completed.
True to its reputation, we have a soggy gray day here in the Pacific Northwest. This would seem like perfect knitting weather; however, we're shampooing the furniture, etc. and trying to deep clean our house. Carpet always has been and always will be doomed in my family. Our next home will just have concrete floors with a drain in the middle of the room.

While looking through some of the pictures on my disk I discovered this one of A2 pretending to be a monkey. She has a belt for her tail and a pair of my gloves on her feet... at least the mystery of where my gloves keep dissappearing to has been solved.
Off in the background the remnants of what once was my garden can be seen. I have been trying to clean out the raised beds, but the large flat garden plot is a total loss. I've just been letting the chickens meander and scratch in it.
I love it when the alpaca's picture is on the hank! Lovely win.
I had no idea that colorway was that busy when I ordered it, sorry about that.
Congrats - yours was the lucky random number comment that came up in my contest - drop me a line with your address so I can mail out your yarn!
This yarn looks so soft and fluffy, it must be heaven to work with! And it's so absolutely cool knowing its former owner, isn't it great seeing that little face who shared its hair so that you can do a wonderful knitting project with it? Really fantastic!
I love that pic of A2, she looks so happy and cheerful on it - such a cutie!
You have the cutest monkey! Congratulations on the win. You are awesome. You are the winningest girl I know. On the garden least the chickens are happy.
Love the pic of the 'monkey'. Very cute.
Greatt post
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