Mama Mia!

On Saturday some lovurly platinum roving arrived from Mama-E. It's all shiny and silvery and beautiful. The drop spindle Cindy (check out Cindy's stunning Victoria shawl she just finished) generously gave me last year made her debut and this was the result. It may not be pretty, but I enjoyed giving it a "whirl". Okay, bad pun.

Monday the 2nd installment of yarn came from Mama-E's C-Eyeber Fiber Fall Sock club. This colorway is titled "Indian Corn." She was spot on with the colors.

And here is my first attempt at the Embossed Leaves sock pattern in none other than Mama-E's famous Beau colorway from July. This picture does not show how pretty the colors are. I love the pattern too, except that I substituted a plain 1x1 rib for the twisted rib. It's more comfortable both to knit and to wear in my opinion.
Notice a theme here? Mama E is unabashedly and almost solely responsible for enabling my fiber addiction during this past week. I say THANK YOU, my DH... not so much. If he's a really good boy then maybe I'll make him a Willie Warmer with my platinum handspun! Just kidding, it aspires to a higher destiny.
Little Miss A3 is feeling much better now. Thank you very much for all of your kind comments. She's going to be a "butterfly, unicorn, pirate" for trick-or-treating tonight but the candy will have to be saved someplace safe from a hungry Dad and sisters. Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!
Happy Halloween and your spinning is terrific!!! Don't sell yourself short. I LOVE the fiber Mama E sent you, you lucky! I am currently spindle spinning my intensely ugly homedyed BFL for the Twisted Knitters thing. To make you feel better I'll take a picture of my spindle spinning. It's a truly ugly dye job. I will spin it and knit it though. Every process is a learning process. Right? I just know dyeing is not a gift I was given. I truly suck. It's good to have you blogging regularly again. And, I'm glad the little one is doing better. Have a fun day!!!
Mama-E dyes some lovely stuff!
willy warmer? OMG just when I'd thought I'd seen it all. That would be a great accessory to my Beanie Weanie :)
We could call it appropriately a
Beanie Weanie Willy
I better go before I get myself in trouble...
Happy Halloween!!!
I made a "Peter Heater" in camo colors for my coworker a couple years ago for Christmas. It was so funny.
Love the socks!
Blessed Samhain to you Heide. (It's Beltaine in this part of the world, so Beltaine Blessings too) I love your EL sock. Great colours. I did the 1x1 rib for mine too. Looking forward to seeing the finished socks. :o)
Glad all is well. Love the Mama-E fibers.
Hi! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I should have mentioned that I was not a part of the Rocky Horror cast at that party, but you can feel free to guess again. :^)
I am loving your blog! You have so much beautiful stuff. And I hope your poor daughter gets all better soon! Your spun platinum is really pretty. And I am coming over to borrow that brown sweater with the pretty cable detail on the sleeve.
I would like to know how the [expletive deleted] she gets that metallic color??!?!? It's amazing!
I haven't been by to see you in a long time. I'm glad you made it to this area safely. Ok, I have to ask, which state are in you, WA or OR? I LOVE the finished SKB, it's a beautiful color!! I am going to have to check out Mama-E's site, that fall sock color is beautiful!! Oh, and I want to know which yarn stores, beside Yarn Garden, you drove by back at the beginning of October.
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