Happy happy joy joy! I have my first cold of the year. Gotta love those burning eyes, sore throat and oozing head goo. Once school starts the countdown is on. Children are transformed into little germ frigates teeming with festering microbes. And small people who fail to wash their hands become walking petri dishes.

Not much knitting to show here. Small amounts of spinning with the drop spindle have yielded enough yarn to add a few rows onto the rustic shawl. This is obviously NOT a dainty lace wrap destined to be worn out at a summer evening concert. My goal is simply to make this large enough for a friend of mine to use on chilly evenings at home. This wrap will not take offense at four legged friends who shed fur or wipe nostril sauce and drool on it's edges. This wrap will welcome the attention, knowing that it provides warmth and comfort to all it encounters.
Off to tackle the never-ending laundry mountain. And as a dear friend, Karen, once pointed out, "Unless you're naked, the laundry is never done."

Not much knitting to show here. Small amounts of spinning with the drop spindle have yielded enough yarn to add a few rows onto the rustic shawl. This is obviously NOT a dainty lace wrap destined to be worn out at a summer evening concert. My goal is simply to make this large enough for a friend of mine to use on chilly evenings at home. This wrap will not take offense at four legged friends who shed fur or wipe nostril sauce and drool on it's edges. This wrap will welcome the attention, knowing that it provides warmth and comfort to all it encounters.
Off to tackle the never-ending laundry mountain. And as a dear friend, Karen, once pointed out, "Unless you're naked, the laundry is never done."
Your shawl is lovely. I am one of those that loves doing laundry. Only because it's a job I can actually complete. You put the load in, wash, dry, fold. Done. It doesn't matter that those loads are always there. Take care of that nasty cold. So far, I'm good (knock on wood).
Colds are the worst kinds of minor ailment to get! Although they never feel minor. Hope you get better soon!
Oh no, oozing goo head is not good. :( I hope you are feelign better soon. I'm so impressed that you are already spinning actual yarn you can knit with!! WOW I think I'm inspired to give my drop spindle another try.
I just realized that your profile neds updating, now that the chickens have "flown the coop." Naked---hee-hee...finishing my laundry now... :) Kidding! It's too cold to do laundry naked. Of course, in the summer, it causes a scandal when you're hanging it on the line!
Love, karen
Hi Heide, I've been catching up since I got back from England. I think you sound like you're settling in, and getting that kitchen right is soooo important. As for the "nostril sauce" and other comments, I think you have the makings of a new competition!!!
Cheers Gillian
ps. hope A3's lip is better soon. That's one of the sorest wounds you can have because even thinking makes you use your mouth and lip muscles.
Get better fast kiddo.
Sorry about the Monkey Pox (it is just going around and around again, isn't it?).
Snotcubator (noun) - group of small children who sneeze, cough, and otherwise share all manner of infectious critters.
Oy. I'm so sorry to hear that you've caught a bug - hope you'll be feeling much better soon, sending best wishes from across the pond. And gosh, I hear you on the laundry!
Nostril sauce. HA HA HA HA HA
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