Parade of Neutrals

First to be featured is the delightful "Augustus" (as in Gloop) from the talented Mama-E's C*eye*ber Fiber Sock collection. Who knew beiges and grays could be so exciting! This blend is just perfect.

Second in the
Third we have the long-neglected Liv Sweater. The pieces for Liv were completed long ago, and she merely awaits assembly. My aversion to finishing stems from past disasters which have rendered garments unwearable or so incredibly sloppy that the wearer looks deformed. "Calling Dr. Frankenstein, can you breathe life (Liv) into these parts and make a sweater?" I'm imagining Gene Wilder with his wild-eyed expression and bushy hair as he hoists Liv's unassembled body to the tower top. Mwah hah hah.
Next up in the neutral parade is was my first toe-up sock started two weeks ago. The creator (me) was seriously displeased and therefore this went by way of the froggy pond to the great sock heaven in the sky.
Finally, what parade would be complete without a beauty queen performing the classic wave to adoring fans as she passes in a classic Corvette convertable... Oops. Due to technical difficulties we are unable to showcase this portion of the neutral festivities. It seems that our beauty queen refuses to wave... or for that matter even come down from her new perch. Distraught at changes in her environment, Miss Bonny has sought refuge on top of my kitchen cupboards. She really is neutral colors and beautiful too. Her tail was twitching impatiently. Is this close enough to a parade wave?
The real estate saga continues. I've reviewed our contract and nowhere in it does it state what the realtors are obligated to do. The contract merely protects their rights as representatives. It doesn't expire for the standard three months. I'm trying to encourage and motivate them. My efforts are being documented should they be needed later.
I love neutrals - oh, you have so many great projects going on! I especially adore the Liv sweater, it's going to be a real beauty and I can't wait to see it once its finished!
That pic of Miss Bonnie is sooo cute, one just wonders how these little furry ones get to all those remote places!
Pretty, pretty neutrals!!! I'm sure Liv is going to behave and sew together like a dream. You can do it!! I think your "beauty queen's" twitching tail is the perfect wave to us!!
Miss Bonny is a bit perplexed, poor thing. But, then, so are you and your family. The real estate saga sucks and I have never known anyone that had a "perfect" experience. Your Project Spectrum display rocks. I suggest leaving the finishing of Liv until you are settled. You do not need a challenge right now. Life is challenge enough. Big hugs to you all.
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